Rabu, 20 Juni 2012

Have I Told You

hi there!
kali ini gue kembali mau nge share satu lagu. tapi kali ini lagu korea..
well lagu ini juga adalah OST sebuah drama korea: Playful Kiss (Naughty Kiss). pd tw dong yaa hahaha. mgkin dongdong + perjuangannya Oh Ha Ni yg paling ptama nongol di otak kt setelah liat judulnya d: nahh dari sekian banyak OSTnya, gue belakangan tertarik dgn lagu ini.

kenapa ya? mungkin krna maknanya dalem x ya.. trus lagu ini rada 'riang' begitu yaa. jadi ga terlalu bikin galau dngernya. karena tiap kali gue dnger lagu" Howl dan K.Will, ada smacem feel 'daleeem' gitu wkwkk d: mungkin efek dari suara mereka yaa spertinya wahaha . tapi gue demeen bgt sama suara mereka itu :3

okeh langsung aja yaa.. oya, buat yance (kalo baca wkwk) thx ya buat link nya jadi bisa dpet embed code nya :D abis di 4share nggak ada :( dan buat wewe (kalo baca juga wkwk) bisa langsung dnger, enak ga lagunya wahahaha d:

enjoy~ :)

nahh ini liriknya. tapi karena bahasa korea itu memusingkan, langsung aja pake bhs ing yaa. biar makna lagunya 'dapeet' gitu wkwkk

taken from: http://princessoftea.wordpress.com

Your beautiful eyes.
Your lovely smile.
I have told myself that one day I can hold your hands.
That is my luck.
Seeing your wet hair and your pinky cheek,
have I told u that the end of every tired day is a present for me.
As long as I can hold you in my arms,
I want to say it out loud that I love you.
So that the world knows I’m the happiest man.
I will treasure our love forever.
Do you know how much I love you?
Please understand all my feelings.
Love is something we share together.
I know, let us start again.
As long as I can hold you in my arms,
I want to say it out loud that I love you.
So that the world knows I’m the happiest man.
I will treasure our love forever.
Besides your love, I don’t need anything else.
Whispering and holding hands together.
I love everything.
I will let you shine brightly tonight,
have dream without loneliness.
At the moment no one can see us,
but our love will always last.
As long as I can hold you in my arms,
I want to say it out loud that I love you.
So that the world knows I’m the happiest man.
If I can sing our love like a song,
if there is nothing left in this world,
our sweet memories are always the best things.
I only need you to say “I love you”

howl's voice really swings my mind :3 wahahaha

have a very nice day all :D

2 komentar:

  1. wah pernah denger sepertinyaaaa!! OwO'
    tp reff nya doang :3
    HowL n Kwill emang kereeeeeeeeeen begete yakkk ><

  2. menk nnton ga filmnya? klo nnton psti prnah dnger dh walaupun dikit wkwkk d:

    iyaaaa bangggeet menk :D
    suara 'dalem'nya ituloh ><
